Celebrity Lookalikes

Photo Gallery of Celebrity Lookalike & Impersonators

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E: kevin@talentplan.com
P: 310-279-3588

Note: The celebrities found on throughout this website are not the actual celebrities but rather celebrity look alikes & Impersonators.The best selection of lookalikes, celebrity lookalike & Impersonators on the Internet. Featuring top celebrities and look alikes Talent Plan is your best choice for your event or function.Serving All Of North America: Anaheim, Arizona, Bakersfield, Carlsbad, Irvine, Los Angeles, Malibu, Oakland, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, Riverside, San Diego, San Fernando Valley, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Texas, Valencia, Ventura, Allentown, Asbury Park, Atlanta, Atlantic City, Bethlehem, Bronx, Brooklyn, Camden, Cherry Hill, Chicago, Connecticut, Edgewater, Edison, Erie, Fort Lauderdale, Harrisburg, Hoboken, Jersey City, Lancaster, Levittown, Long Island, Massachusetts, Miami, New Jersey, New York, Newark, North Bergen, NYC, Orlando, Palm Beach, Parsippany, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Point Pleasant, Queen, Reading, Rhode Island, Rochester, Scranton, Secaucus, Trenton, Weehawken, West New York, White Plains, Wild Wood. Tom Cruise celebrity lookalike, Tom Cruise celebrity impersonator, Tom Cruise tribute, Bruno Mars lookalike, Bruno Mars impersonator, Bruno Mars tribute, Joan Rivers lookalike, Joan Rivers impersonator, Joan Rivers tribute